
I'm currently a student at School 42 in Paris, France. This very special school aims to promote peer-to-peer learning, independance and adaptabilty. Since the beginning I've been really interested in object oriented and computer graphics projects as well as the internet of things. Creating playful things is really important to me. I'm also deeply interested in computer animation, special effects, serious gaming, and combining both health care and tech since I also used to study neuropsychology for three years at Paris V Descartes University. Helping curing mental disorders or physical illnesses with tech is one of my main goals as a developer. My other dream is to work at Pixar.


Aliénor Denécé

Have a look at my school projects.

Have a look at my school projects.

A glimpse of my most important School 42 projects


School 42

Certificate of digital technologies architect October 2015

• Algorithms, Infographics, Shell, Networks basics, C, Communication.

42 is a private french computing school created by Xavier Niel.
The tuition is inspired by the changes Internet brought, combined with a peer-to-peer pedagogy. The diploma it delivers isn't recognized by the Republic of France, but bets on the advanced programming skills of its students as well as their capacity to innovate and their ability to see things and think differently.
I'm a Mentor for The Tutors, who work hand in hand with the pedagogy of 42, to help create and supervise partnerships with other schools from different backgrounds, such as HEC or e-artsup.
I'm also a member of Code[Her] an association which promotes gender diversity in the Tech ecosystem.

Paris V Descartes University

Degree in psychology, specialty neuropsychology 2012 - 2015

The University Paris V Descartes belongs to academic alliance of the Sorbonne and is one of the best and most pretigious French universities, mainly in the areas of medical sciences, biomedical sciences and psychology. This university supports a modern approach of social sciences on the basis of fieldwork, participant observation and ethnography.


Acquired skills

C SDL2 HTML CSS Unix English French German Chinese (mandarin) Github


C++ Python Unity

I'm always looking forward to learn and masterise any new language. The internet of things, serious gaming, computer animation and special effects are my main interests and I'm looking forward to work and coming into bloom in these fields. I'm looking forward to work in a creative and innovative company where I'll be able to face challenges and learn new technologies.